Prior to the 1900’s, much of the drinking water in the United States was at a high risk for containing dangerous pathogens that were responsible for...
Does Your Home’s Tap Water Irritate Your Eyes? Here’s Why and What You Can Do About It!
The contaminants in your tap water can affect your body in a number of different ways. Not only can poor water quality affect your...
Why Does My Tap Water Smells Like Rotten Eggs?
Of all of the different smells that tap water can develop, the rotten egg smell is probably the worst. It is a strong and offensive odor that would...
Why Does My Drinking Water Smell Like Chlorine?
Most people know chlorine as the chemical that’s used to treat the water in swimming pools and hot tubs. But did you know that the very same...
Why Are Hidden Water Contaminants a Serious Problem in Tap Water?
Homeowners often come to us because they can sense that something is wrong with their water. The problem might be a bad taste, an offensive odor,...
Why are Chemicals in Tap Water a Growing Concern for Pennsylvania and New Jersey Homeowners?
Chemicals are used for a number of different purposes all over the country every single day. And as the usage of chemicals increases, so does the...
What is Water Quality? A Look at the Potential Issues Plaguing Your Water
Before you choose a water treatment system for your home, you should be aware of all of the potential problems that your water can face. Today we’re...
Does a Reverse Osmosis Filter Remove Bacteria From Tap Water?
There are many different types of water contaminants, and they can differ greatly both in their behavior and their size and shape. As a result,...
What is Chloramine and Why is it Added to Drinking Water?
Many people are aware of the fact that water treatment plants add chlorine to drinking water supplies in order to disinfect them. But in recent...
What Do Total Dissolved Solids Say about Your Home’s Water Quality?
One of the biggest problems with different types of water contamination is that many contaminants cannot be seen just by looking at a glass of...