Water Testing
What are the Warning Signs of Bad Water?
Water testing is essential to determining the variables in your water and the best recommendation for your water treatment.
Warning Signs For Bad Water
Recognizing Common Water Quality Concerns
- Spots on Glassware
- Bad Taste and Odor from Faucet
- Cloudy Water from Tap
- Chlorine Smell
- Staining on Bath Tub and Sink
- Blue/Green Staining
- Dingy White Linens and Clothes
- Dry Skin
- Irritated Eyes when Wearing Contacts
- Tangled, Coarse Hair
- High Energy Bills
Water Testing Information:
Our water testing is performed in two ways: In-house & a PA Accredited Lab.
- Our in-house testing includes measuring for PH in your home’s water.
- For health-related water testing concerns, we use a Pennsylvania Accredited Lab.
Once your water test results are back from the lab, we can then diagnose and help you find the perfect solution for your home.
What can I Expect from a Water Test?
Water testing is essential to determining the variables in your water and the best recommendation for your water treatment. We have resources for any water test available. Our basic analysis will test for the following:
- Hardness
- Iron
- Chlorine
- Sulfur
- P.H. (Green Stains)
- Chemicals
- Nitrates & Nitrites
- Bad Taste & Odors
- Bacteria
- Lead
- Tannin
- Arsenic 3
- Arsenic 5
- Sediment