by epawater_admin | Jan 19, 2021 | Water Quality, Water Softeners, Water Treatment Industry, Water Treatment Products, Whole House Water Filtration
Water is so important to your health and home. From food prep and drinking, to laundry and cleaning, quality water has benefits you can taste, smell, see, and feel. If you are considering investing in a water treatment solution, consider the quality water benefits you...
by epawater_admin | Dec 22, 2020 | Water Contamination, Water Quality, Water Treatment Products, Whole House Water Filtration
Who hasn’t been stuck behind a spreader and heard the pinging as the road salt hits your car? Or more recently, you can tell a storm is coming when you see the tell tale lines on the roads left from the brining trucks. These certainly help to keep our roads more...
by epawater_admin | Dec 1, 2020 | Water Contamination, Water Quality, Water Treatment Products, Whole House Water Filtration
Leaf litter is the term used to describe the combination of leaves, twigs, and bark that accumulates on the ground in yards and wooded areas. As Autumn settles in, plants, shrubs, and trees begin to shed leaves, substantially increasing volume of this organic matter....
by epawater_admin | Nov 24, 2020 | Water Quality, Water Softeners, Water Treatment Products
Of course everyone needs and demands quality drinking water, but many people don’t consider the everyday aesthetic benefits to treated water. Only 1% of a household’s water is ingested. Most of the water we use in our homes is used for bathing, cleaning and cooking,...
by epawater_admin | Nov 17, 2020 | Water Quality, Water Treatment Products, Whole House Water Filtration
Many people are under the impression that city water does not require filtering or conditioning since it undergoes treatment at a municipal water treatment facility. In reality, this is not always correct. City Water Treatment The municipal water treatment facilities...