How a Water Softener Saves Your Money

When households switch from untreated hard water to softened water, they notice many things. Tap water smells and tastes better, skin and hair are smoother, laundry looks brighter, and fixtures stay cleaner. Over time, water softener owners also notice more money in their monthly and yearly budget. How much could you be saving with soft water from a Hague water softener?

Check out our water cost savings calculator to find out.


How a Water Softener Saves You Money

Since water plays such an important role in daily living, there are many ways low quality water can affect your budget. Here are some examples:

  • Drinking Water – For many people, bottled water is an item on the weekly grocery list because they don’t like the taste of their tap water. If you have a high level of hard water minerals in your water, it can make it taste bitter. A home water softener significantly reduces those minerals allowing you to refill your own bottles, saving tremendously on money as well as wasted plastic.
  • Soaps and Cleaning Products – Because hard water minerals interfere with the chemistry in soaps, personal and household cleaning products work more effectively with softened water. That means you don’t have to use as much of the product to get the job done.
  • Hot Water Usage – Hard water interferes with the efficiency of your water heating. Mineral deposits collect on the heating element to create a thick stone-like coating, forcing water heaters to work harder to raise the temperature of your water. A water softener prevents the calcium from ever entering your unit and allows your water heater to operate much more efficiently.
  • Plumbing and Appliances – Hard water is also hard on your plumbing and water using appliances. Just like your water heater, washing machines, dishwashers, coffee pots, humidifiers, and anything else in your home that uses water can be a victim of calcium build-up. Water softener owners find they need to repair or replace water using appliances less often. This scale build up can also clog your pipes which will restrict water flow over time.
  • Clothing and Linens – It does not take long for hard water build-up to ruin light and white laundry items. The tell tale “dingy” gray or yellowing fabrics are caused by the minerals bonding with your detergent and getting stuck between the fibers. This caked up residue is also what can lead to your towels feeling stiff and scratchy. Clothes and linens washed in softened water stay clean and bright, and last much longer than those washed in hard water.

The Water Savings Calculator Shows How Much You Can Save

At Hague Quality Water, we have a water cost savings calculator that lets you estimate just how much money you can save on your household costs per month or year.

water savings calculator

Are you ready to start enjoying significant savings with a Hague water softener? Contact EPA Water Consultants to set up an appointment. We are your Greater Philadelphia area Hague dealer providing service in towns like King of Prussia, Kimberton and Kulpsville, PA.

EPA Water Consultants have been working with homeowners, home builders and businesses for years throughout Pennsylvania to solve multiple water-related problems. Each install is completed by an EPA Water employee as if it was our home – no subcontractors! With our 100% water quality guarantee, EPA Water Consultants will provide the best water available to you and your home or business!